Saturday, March 26, 2011

Finger Paint

Our friend Kristen Piatkowski Shovlin suggested that we finger paint. We decided to also participate in "Earth Hour," an activity meant to draw attention to power consumption awareness in the world. So, we powered down everything in the house, lit up some tea candles, and commenced finger painting.

Here's the table...

Here's some pics of Wendi startng out, in progress, and her final creation:

Here's a similar set for Jim:

What else fun can we do for an hour? Leave a suggestion as a comment! We would like to pick things on a regular basis. If a suggestion if inspiring to you and you complete one of the activities, be sure to send us a pic!


  1. Cool! I think you should play in the mud since there must be a lot of mud where you live!

  2. This is fun! I like this blog. I think you guys should make sock monkeys!

  3. Fun idea, Bethany! We'll keep an eye out for the right kinds of socks at the second hand stores so we can make some monkeys in the near future! :-D




  4. Anonymous, I'm sure Bailey is going to LOVE this suggestion! She's been playing the mud ever since she was very young and has never seemed to tire of it...even as an older teen! ;-) I'm not sure we can convince Jim of this one, though...I'll give it a try!




Leave a comment here... and/or use this space to suggest an activity for us!