Friday, April 1, 2011

Find the Lighter Side of a Darker Situation

We didn't quite have a pre-planned hour of fun today, but we wanted to post here, anyway, for two reasons: (1) We really want to make a habit out of posting here at least every week day (because having fun is something we're interested in making habit of), and (2) Sometimes "life" happens to you, making it necessary to change your original plans.

Today we wound up in the Emergency Room for nine hours! Nothing too serious... everyone is fine. But, nine hours is quite a span of time to spend in a place like that. We thought it might be fun, if also somewhat mischievous, to editorialize a bit while we had the opportunity. So, we snapped two photos during the visit. Ever wonder what's for sale in hospital vending machines? Well, here's the answer:

Well, we suppose some credit is due for at least putting the bottled fruit juices in a prime visual spot, and for listing the more heart-healthy snack items. However, to tell you the truth, most people seemed to be opting for Cokes and Snickers bars.

Another "fun"-ish thing Jim did was to engage a stranger in a weird conversation -- which probably could be its own post someday. Jim says he was regaled with one old man's wild tales of inventive car destruction stories (cars swinging from ropes, cars being drawn and quartered, and other bizarre uses of cranes and automotive machinery) and one intriguingly grim memory from the man's childhood, in which the (then) young lad rolled down a hill into a cemetery and landed in a grave!

In any case, there was no "fun" fun (i.e., planned fun) carried out today, but we'll be back Monday with something else! And speaking of that...

What else fun can we do for an hour? Leave a suggestion as a comment! We would like to pick things on a regular basis. If a suggestion if inspiring to you and you complete one of the activities, be sure to send us a pic!

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